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A Time of preparation, uncertainty, and hope

Ms. Cathy Hohl

As I write this, we’re one week into Advent. A time of preparation. A time of uncertainty. A time of hope. A time when the work of God, through the Holy Spirit, becomes visible.

The Central States Synod currently sits in a similar time where the work of God, through the Holy Spirit, has become visible. Over the last several months, both you and the Synod Discernment Team have sought the Spirit’s guidance. Whether consciously or not, we’ve prayed the words of ELW 752:  "Lord, listen to your children praying. Lord, send your spirit in this place. Lord, listen to your children praying. Send us love, send us pow’r, send us grace.” 


A time of preparation.  A time of hope.


Our efforts confirm that God’s Spirit has been with us. God led us to share our hopes and fears with each other. God led us to share our excitement and our uncertainty with each other. These conversations resulted in a Synod Profile describing our future mission and the skills needed for our incoming Bishop to be effective. 


A time of uncertainty.  A time of hope.


We continue to pray for the Spirit’s guidance as our rostered leaders consult that Profile and discern whether they are open to being called as our next Bishop. Voting members will rely on the Spirit at the 2025 Assembly as they discern who to call, through the election process, as our next Bishop.


A time of preparation.  A time of uncertainty.  A time of hope. A time when the work of God, through the Holy Spirit, becomes visible.



Dear God, in times of uncertainty, when the path ahead seems unclear, we turn to you with hearts full of hope. We acknowledge fear and anxiety, but we cling to your promise that the Spirit is with us and guides us. Fill us with your strength and wisdom. Grant us peace and a renewed sense of hope. In Jesus' name, Amen

Cathy Hohl, a retired attorney, serves as chair of the Synod Discernment Team. She is a member of Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Florissant, Missouri, where she has served in various leadership roles.


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