Watch this space for monthly devotions to guide the synod towards the 2025 synod assembly and the election of a new bishop.
In January, Bishop Candea shared a two part letter. The first portion was an invitation to the 2024 assembly. The second part is included here. . .
The second reason for this letter is to officially announce my plan to retire at the conclusion of my term, August 31, 2025. Rev. Dave Whetter, bishop's associate, will also retire at that time. I have been and continue to be honored to serve in this call. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to use my gifts for ministry in this role. My entire adult professional life has been in the church. At the end of my term, I will have served continuously in the church for 42 years. It will be time to explore the other opportunities to which God might be calling me. I am announcing my retirement at this point, a year and a half before the next bishop's election in 2025, to give the synod (to give all of you) the time to enter into a period of intentional discernment and reflection as you prepare to call a new pastor for the synod. The synod council has authorized a Discernment Team that will be working from now until the 2025 assembly to provide opportunities to understand the needs, challenges, and hopes of the congregations and ministries of the synod. Just as congregations develop ministry site profiles to articulate their needs for a new pastor, the synod needs to do similar work in preparation for the election of a new bishop. The 2024 synod assembly will focus on this work of discernment. Where is the Spirit calling us?

Please be assured that while I am announcing my retirement, I fully embrace my call as bishop until it ends on August 31, 2025. In fact, I feel more energy and enthusiasm to do all I can in the next year and a half to care for, support, and call the synod to travel the way of Jesus and join God's reign of justice and love. As always, thank you for your partnership in being the church.
The discernment team has begun their work and you will be hearing more from them throughout the year.
Dear Bishop Susan, My heartfelt congratulations upon your retirement plan this next year! WELL DESERVED!!! I want to thank you, personally, for your ministry to me over the years. Many thanks! I hope and pray that your life continues to bare much fruit as it has throughout when you turn in your keys to the office. Plan now to have fun and many blessings in your future. In God's Love, Peace and Mercy Always- Pr. Bradford Nelson Bray (ret.)