Parish Ministry Associate Program
The Parish Ministry Associate program is a resource for members of congregations of the Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The Parish Ministry Associate program seeks to equip people for their own ministry as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries. Additionally, the program seeks to help identify and nurture the gifts God has given God’s people for public ministry so that that good news can be shared among all people. As servants, we are obedient to Christ. As stewards of God’s mysteries, we are responsible to care for and use the gifts given to us and to the church.

Parish Ministry Associate -
Individuals who are participating may decide they want to pursue becoming a Parish Ministry Associate and be commissioned to:
Serve within their own congregation alongside rostered ministers
Provide pulpit supply as needed for congregations in the synod
(lead worship, preach, and administer the sacraments as authorized by the Bishop) -
Serve as Lay Synod Authorized Minister - SAM
(upon the request and approval of the Bishop, entering into a covenant relationship to serve a congregation or parish.)
PMEA coordination team:
Rev. Adam Wutka - Synod Director of Lay Ministry
Rhonda Templing – chair
Rev. Dick Monson – Kansas coordinator
Dennis Kemper – Missouri coordinator
Rev. Larry Lemke