Mission Endowment Fund
The Central States Synod Mission Endowment Fund was established in 1999 by an action of the Synod Assembly. The purpose of the Fund is to enhance the mission outreach of the Central States Synod.
Why is it important?
The high cost of education is no secret. The median indebtedness for a seminarian at graduation is $45,000. Scholarship grants and seminary debt reduction grants allow some relief to the seminarian or first call pastor to better focus on their studies and ministry. Continuing Education grants encourage rostered and lay leaders to take seriously the need for deepening theological education. As the regular synod budget has continued to shrink, there are fewer and fewer funds to help new and existing congregations reach out in mission to their communities.
How can I help?
Your designated gift to the Mission Endowment Fund assures that financial assistance will be available in the future. Please prayerfully consider your gift today!
Your gift could enable. . .
Seminarian Scholarship Grants
for seminarians in the Central States Synod candidacy process -
Seminary Debt Retirement Grants
for first call pastors in the Central States Synod -
Continuing Education Grants
for rostered people, professional church workers and lay leaders in the synod -
Outreach Grants for New and Existing Congregations
For information
* All applications are fillable PDFs. Download and save the form to your computer to complete the form.
If you have specific questions, please call:
Synod Office 913.948.9701 or 866.915.3548 (toll-free)
ELCA Lutheran Planned Giving regional gift planner, Stephen Phelps at 314-703-6949.