Lutherans Restoring Creation
For more information:
Noni Strand, LRC Mission Table Chair
Click Here to visit the Central States Synod's LRC Mission Table Website

Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC) is a grass-roots effort designed to encourage the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to incorporate care for creation into its full life and mission at all levels. The goal is to incorporate care for creation into the organizational patterns, worship life, educational programs, responsibility for buildings and grounds, discipleship of members at home and work, and public ministry leadership development—so that Earth-keeping and justice for all Earth community become integral to the identity and purpose of our church.
The 2015 Central States Synod Assembly adopted a resolution to become an LRC Synod. A CSS Lutherans Restoring Creation Mission Table was formed and members have been active in getting organized, setting goals, forming a vision, gathering information from congregations, and planning this retreat for interested individuals in February. CSS LRC Mission Table members are committed to helping equip our Synod congregations and members live out our vocation as earth-keepers who care for creation.
The 2018 Central States Synod Assembly adopted a resolution to encourage congregations to become 'Green Congregations' by forming green teams.
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