Churchwide Assembly
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2022 Churchwide Assembly Highlights
The sixteenth Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA met August 8-12, 2022, worshiping together in services of Eucharist and lament, experiencing a liturgy rooted in Indigenous traditions, and hearing a public apology in a non-legislative session to Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina for harm experienced from actions taken by the Sierra Pacific Synod and this church. The following key actions were taken by the assembly:
Elected Mr. Imran Siddiqui of the Southeastern Synod as vice president of the ELCA.
Directed the Church Council to establish a Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church to reconsider the statements of purpose for each expression of this church, the principles of organizational structure, and our shared commitment to dismantle racism, with findings to be reported to the 2025 Churchwide Assembly in preparation for a possible reconstituting convention; and directed an external audit of the governing documents of this church to consider diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, with findings resulting in recommended changes to the governing documents.
Authorized revisions to the social statement, Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust, and approved exploration of reconsideration of the four stated positions of “bound conscience.”
Encouraged members, congregations, and synods of this church to educate themselves about Indigenous peoples, calling on the churchwide organization to work with synods and Indigenous partners to identify sources of funding for ministries for Indigenous peoples, and encouraging restorative justice that could include return of land to the appropriate Native nations.
Referred a proposed study of pay gaps for rostered ministers to the Church Council.
Mandated a review process of the roster manual and policies related to specialized ministries, On Leave from Call status, and protocols for removal from the rosters, and encouraged bishops and synod councils to use sparingly the process of removal from the roster for non-disciplinary reasons.
Approved the budget proposal for the triennium, including a spending authorization of $68,814,000 for 2023 for the current fund, along with a spending authorization of $22,930,000 for ELCA World Hunger.
Affirmed limits on the use of non-disclosure agreements by the churchwide organization and urged synods, congregations, and other ministries to apply the same limits.
Reaffirmed the commitment of this church to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, directing the churchwide organization to set a goal of reducing net greenhouse gas pollution 50% by 2030, with a long-range goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Called for a review of the nomination and elections processes used by synods and the churchwide organization.
Responded to memorials, including among others those on diversity; nuclear weapons; voting rights and Washington, D.C., statehood; strategies for fortifying urban ministries; a Black migrant strategy; the right to boycott; gun violence; LGBTQIA+ welcome; substance abuse; Roe v. Wade; remembrance of Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocide; parental and medical family leave; a process for pre-identification of nominees for the office of presiding bishop; revisions to the mission development process; consideration of communion practices related to remote worship; affirmation of the task force created by the Church Council to review the discipline process; and a social message on child abuse and protection.
Approved or ratified amendments to the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the ELCA, most of which were related to general clarifications and updates; inclusive language; synod-authorized ministry; designation of advisory members by the Church Council; boards of the separately incorporated ministries; and election procedures for officers and the Churchwide Assembly.
Elected members of the Church Council, Committee on Appeals, Committee on Discipline, Nominating Committee, and boards of the Separately Incorporated Ministries [see “First Common Ballot Results”].
The 2025 ELCA Churchwide Assembly will be held July 28–Aug. 2, 2025, at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Ariz.
The ELCA Churchwide Assembly, the primary decision-making body of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is a process of communal spiritual discernment. When the ELCA Churchwide Assembly convenes, its voting members meet with confidence in God’s grace around word and water, wine and bread, to carry on their work on behalf of the entire church. Over the course of the assembly, voting members:
Hear reports and review the work of churchwide officers, leaders and units.
Receive and consider proposals from synod assemblies.
Elect officers, board members and other leaders as specified by the constitution or bylaws.
Establish ELCA churchwide policy.
Worship together.
Adopt a budget.
Conduct other business related to the ELCA churchwide organization.
The assembly:
Received the results of the ELCA’s first major fund-raising campaign. The 2013 Churchwide Assembly approved the $198 million campaign to help sustain and grow the ministries of the church. This assembly heard that in fact $250 million has been raised in cash, multi-year commitments, and planned gift commitments.
Re-elected Presiding Bishop Eaton on the first ballot with over 81 percent of the vote.
Adopted the social statement “Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Lutheran Call to Action.”
Approved “A Declaration of Inter-religious Commitment,” which underscores the ELCA’s long-standing commitment to inter-religious relations.
Approved memorials on a variety of topics including gun violence, engagement in the Holy Land, and income inequality.
Presented a Declaration to People of African Descent to representatives of the African Descent Lutheran Association. The declaration is an expression of confession of this church’s bondage to the sins of slavery, racism, discrimination, white supremacy and quietism. “This apology is a recommitment to the process of right and equitable relations within this church, and the flourishing of Christ’s church universal,” Bishop Eaton said after the declaration was read.
Received the proposal for the triennium budget.
Elected Deacon Sue Rothmeyer as secretary of the ELCA.
Voted to commemorate June 17 as a day of repentance in the ELCA for the deaths of the Emanuel 9, the nine people who were killed June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston, S.C.
Adopted a resolution condemning white supremacy.
Legislative Updates of the 2019 Churchwide Assembly
Living Lutheran News and Daily Summaries

Freed and Renewed in Christ: 500 Years of God's Grace in Action."
New Orleans, LA
August 8–13, 2016
The assembly – the highest legislative body of the ELCA – is comprised of 980 voting members serving on behalf of the 3.7 million members of the ELCA. The ELCA's 65 synods elect voting members to serve at churchwide assemblies.
Participation in the recent Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was a privilege – inspirational, informative, and encouraging. From outstanding worship to engaging small-group conversation to enlightening Bible studies to hands-on, productive service projects, this assembly was also a call to faithful action by our Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton.
A number of actions were approved by the 945 voting members in attendance; chief among them are these:
Elected William B. Horne II of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Clearwater, Fla., vice president of the ELCA. Horne was installed during closing worship Aug. 13.
Accepted the "Declaration on the Way," a unique ecumenical document that marks a path toward greater unity between Catholics and Lutherans. At the heart of the document are 32 "Statements of Agreement" that state where Lutherans and Catholics do not have church-dividing differences on topics about church, ministry, and the Eucharist. The document also presents the differences that remain.
Approved AMMPARO, the ELCA's strategy to Accompany Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation, and Opportunities. The ELCA developed this strategy based on commitments to uphold and guarantee the basic human rights and safety of migrant children and their families; to address the root causes of migration in countries from Central America's Northern Triangle and Mexico and the treatment of migrants in transit; to work toward just and humane policies affecting migrants in and outside the United States; to engage as a church with all of its companions, affiliates, and partners to respond to the migration situation and its causes; and to advocate for migrant children and their families.
Approved the Ministry of Word and Service roster. Beginning Jan. 1, 2017, ELCA associates in ministry, deaconesses and diaconal ministers will be included in a single, unified roster of Ministry of Word and Service. The accompanying constitutional amendments related to the roster were also considered and approved by the assembly.
Approved the 2017-2019 budget proposal. The budget includes a 2017 current fund spending authorization of $65,296,005 and a 2017 ELCA World Hunger spending authorization of $24.8 million; a 2018 current fund income proposal of $64,057,220 and a 2018 ELCA World Hunger income proposal of $25 million; a 2019 current fund income proposal of $64,151,175 and a 2019 ELCA World Hunger income proposal of $25 million; and authorizes the Church Council to establish a spending authorization after periodic review of revised income estimates.
Approved various memorials (proposals) from the ELCA's 65 synods. In addition to memorials considered "en bloc," the assembly separately approved the following: deepening relationships with historic Black churches; toward a responsible energy future; repudiation of the Doctrine of Discovery; peace with justice in the Holy Land; justice for the Holy Land through responsible investment; African Descent Lutherans; call to discernment on U.S. foreign and military policy; welcoming refugees; and supporting military personnel and their families, and veterans and their families.
Elected members to serve on: Church Council, Portico Benefits Services, Mission Investment Fund, Augsburg Fortress, Committee on Appeals, Committee on Discipline and Nominating Committee.
Adopted amendments to the ELCA Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions.
Voting members from the Central States Synod: Donna Florio, Mindy Tilberg, Brittany Garrelts, Mamy Ranaivoson, Michael Peck, Keith Holste, Eli Truhe, Dennis Allerheiligen, Wayne Sharp, Janis Hutchinson, Amy Truhe, Bob Mitchell, Jodee Reed, Christine Schindler, and Bishop Roger Gustafson.
Check out several videos of the assembly, including Bishop Eaton's report at
A complete report of assembly actions is available for download at: Legislative_Updates_for_the_2016_Churchwide_Assembly.pdf .