Boundary Education
Along with many other synods across this church, the Central States Synod is committed to a three-year cycle of boundary education encompassing basic boundaries, gender justice, and racial justice. In February 2025, we are hosting racial justice education workshops across the synod. Based on a report from the churchwide boundary education task force, we expect our rostered and synod authorized ministers to engage in this work for the following reasons:
Theological Imperative: Our Lutheran theology teaches us that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and to work for justice in all aspects of life. As disciples of Christ, we are compelled to address ongoing racial injustice and work towards a more equitable society that reflects God's love for all people.
Denominational Commitment: The ELCA has made clear and strong commitments to racial justice. By engaging in racial justice work, we are fulfilling our church's proclamation to "speak with one voice against racism and white supremacy" and to "stand with those who are targets of racist ideologies and actions."
Witness to the World: In a world often divided by racial tensions, our engagement in racial justice work serves as a powerful witness to the reconciling power of the Holy Spirit. By actively working to dismantle racism within our church and communities, we are witness to the transformative love of Christ and offer hope for a more just and peaceful world.
Congregational and Community Vitality: Engaging in racial justice work strengthens our congregations, organizations, and communities by fostering deeper understanding, empathy, and authentic relationships across racial and cultural lines. This work helps create more inclusive and welcoming faith communities that better reflect the diversity of God's creation and the communities we serve.
Personal and Communal Growth: Racial justice education and action provide opportunities for profound personal and communal growth. By examining our own biases, learning about systemic racism, and working to create change, we grow in faith, expand our perspectives, and become more effective ministers of the Gospel.
Together, with the Bible as our guide, Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown will lead our journey through touchpoints of the ELCA’s Strategy for Authentic Diversity. Using our contextual lens, we will explore how to bring the intersection of ministry and justice to LIFE!

Dr. Starr-Brown's experience in community education, engagement, and outreach spans more than 20 years, and includes;
Creating REACH Education Solutions, a community education business network facilitating more than 160 programs for youth and parent education in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas.
Serving on several committees and advisory councils, working to improve the quality of early childhood education in Minnesota and teaching childcare professionals while Adjunct Faculty at Rasmussen College.
Co-founding Reaching Up Ministries, a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission to “create hope, help, and opportunities by bringing community members together to respond to the local needs of youth and families.”